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Brad Graw, Orthopedic Surgeon and Entrepreneur, San Francisco, CA

As I was looking to sound board with someone during a career “tack” my first question to Lisa was whether she had worked with men and physicians before.  While she had, I quickly realized that the answer to these questions didn’t really matter.  Lisa’s program is ideal for anyone looking to live a life of healthy self-examination, continued personal growth, and purpose.  And by the way, more guys could probably benefit from the practical mindfulness training that is weaved through Lisa’s program as they strike the best balance for all the parts of their life.

Kristin Pech, Senior Manager, Deloitte Consulting, San Francisco, CA
Anyone who struggles with: perfectionism, time management, anxiety and/or just feels a little lost should explore Lisa's coaching.  I was so “busy” before working with her, I “didn’t have time” to take care of myself, much less understand what it is that I truly want, explore new opportunities and start taking steps toward achieving those goals (with ease!).  With each session, I found more clarity around my values and goals and: 

  • As my fears began to surface, I learned how to acknowledge and release/replace beliefs that are no longer serving me.

  • As my relationship with time transformed, I found myself feeling more productive and less stressed.

  • As my awareness of my emotions grew, I began to acknowledge and breathe through the difficult and be fully present in the joyful parts of life.

Working with Lisa has been a wonderful reawakening for me. I feel reconnected to my power and creativity and I am committed to the daily practices that bring compassion, gratitude and joy into my life, career, motherhood and marriage. 

Lori, Higher Education Executive

Working with Lisa was a big decision for me, and an excellent one. This was my first time investing in my professional and personal development in such a major way.

The tools and discussions immediately impacted my approach to work and home and rearranged my thinking around my day to day chaos so that I felt more centered and productive.

I am so glad I took the leap to reach out to Lisa and am grateful for the lasting impact that she has made.

Sonam Saggar, Venture Capital, NYC

Lisa is an incredible career coach and mentor. It was a big decision for me to make a personal investment in my career (outside of what was specifically aligned to my job) and I'm so glad I did. I set an intention to learn what I wanted for my career going forward, and I got back so much more.

While I had many personal blocks to clearly stating what I want - both at work and to myself, after 3 months of working with Lisa, I felt like I gained a voice.

Lisa also helped me with strategies to improve my current working environment and with career next steps that I could get excited about. I'm so glad I had the opportunity to work with Lisa.

Shannon Hughes, Realtor, San Francisco, Ca

Lisa gave me the gift of calm. As simple as it sounds, she reminded me how crucial it is to slow down and be more present. There was an innate sense of urgency when it came to all tasks related to running my business, and Lisa reminded me that not every call or email is an emergency. As I worked with her to uncover my goals, values and vision for success, it became clear my husband and daughter were number one and together we laid out my plan for sustainable, healthy professional and personal growth in order to maintain balance and experience more enriched time with my family. Thanks to Lisa I’m a better mom, wife and Realtor! 

Jon, Consultant

I starting working with Lisa during a significant professional transition as I was closing in on a million plus dollar investment and navigating a promotion to equity partner. Lisa helped me step back and gain clarity on the best next steps so that I could not only get what I wanted, but become a stronger (& less stressed) manager and leader in the process. I recommend Lisa highly and was pleased to see big changes come from just five working sessions together. 

Amanda Crosby-Rickman, Senior Product Manager, Palo Alto, Ca

Lisa has been incredibly influential in both my professional career advancement and personal growth and development. Not only was she an intelligent resource to lean on as I dealt with difficult situations with leaders and peers in my organization, but she also helped me focus and define what I want out my life and provided me with great tools to move forward with these priorities.  Her emphasis on mindfulness was powerful in becoming more centered in all aspects of my life.

Madhu Punjabi, Product Manager, Pinterest

Lisa came into my life when I was at my lowest. I was wandering through life aimlessly without intent. Through the course of 2 months, I worked with Lisa to remind myself what's important, what I want, and how I can live more intentionally to work towards my life goals. She's an incredible listener and is able to synthesize your thoughts to draw patterns and bring forth your true self.


Sarah Larcker, Vice President, Account Planning at Digitas Health, San Francisco, CA

Like many women striving for success in my career, I read “Lean In.” I found it inspiring but also daunting. My first thought was: “How in the world am I supposed to lean in any harder than I already am?” I came across an article from Lisa entitled “How to lean in without burning out,” and knew this was exactly the questions I was trying to answer myself. Lisa gave me the tools to gain clarity on what I really want in my life, and (just as importantly) to pursue them in a sustainable, easier, effective way. As someone who has always thought that self-sacrifice is the only real way to achieve big goals, this was a wake-up call that helped me think differently. I admit that I was very skeptical at first, having dismissed ideas about the importance of mindfulness and meditation in the past. It was a leap for me to sign up, but I’m very glad I did. You will be too.

Amber Horton, Finance/Patent Litigation, San Francisco, CA

If you are ready to dive in head first, and get your career on the right track…work with Lisa! She is a great listener, is patient, thoughtful and thorough in walking clients through their biggest challenges.

Her insights and methods provide a strong platform for one to evaluate their own approach and then to make adjustments leading to long term change and growth. Worth every penny. Truly a catalyst for transformation and success. I strongly recommend taking the plunge! 

Elizabeth Conrady, San Francisco, CA

Lisa teaches simple formulas for creating a life of accomplishment and purpose without sacrificing well-being. Lisa is personable, authentic and wise, and her coaching is amazing. 

Sarah Hawkins, Sydney, Australia

Before working with Lisa, I truly believed anxiety, perfectionism and fear of failure were giving me my edge and driving my success. I was a firm believer that hard work and personal sacrifice were prerequisites for achieving my goals. So you can imagine how relieved I was to discover there is an easier way! Lisa has given me the tools and strategies I've been searching for to replace negative drivers with positive motivators, without losing my edge. The techniques used are backed by science. And Lisa and the graduates are living proof that it is possible to lean in without burning out.

Katherine Harbin Clammer, Source Capital, LLC, San Francisco, CA

Lisa brings an amazing combination of research, data and personal experience to teach this material in a way that makes it both simple to understand and a joy to attempt.  I always knew I should meditate, but it felt hard and intimidating.  Lisa has a gift for making it fun and easy and also for giving us assignments that felt manageable – not just one more overwhelming thing on the “to-do” list.  I would highly recommend this program. 

Colleen Dupuis, Account Executive, Box, San Francisco, CA
Before working with Lisa, I never really thought about, or believed in meditation. I didn't understand how to truly look within, or challenge the subconscious limitations I was placing on myself. Her work has opened my eyes and mind to a whole new view of my life. It's given me tools to better understand my feelings and fears, while helping me address self-limiting behaviors and beliefs. To anyone who feels like there is something missing, this is for you.  This has started me on the path to obtaining true happiness in all aspects of my life.

Nathalie Corredor, Google, San Francisco, CA
Lisa helped helped me hone in on the specific goals I wanted to achieve and made me realize that those goals are completely possible and within my control. I can have everything I want and get it in an easier way. I recommend this program to anyone who feels stuck or limited in any way. 

Jessica Goldman Foung, Author, San Francisco, CA
I seriously believe in positive thinking and the power of the mind and spirit. But I have to admit that I've never been a huge believer in goal boards. I love crafts; but I just don't see how a session of magazine snipping and glueing can lead to accomplishing my goals.Thankfully, though, I also happen to have an open mind. I completed my goal board assignment while working with Lisa. Cut. Glue. Done. And then I forgot all about it.

Six months later, while updating my professional media kit, I copied and pasted the Food Network logo to my press page. And all of a sudden I realized, HOLY SH*T, that logo was front and center on my goal board during the class. I didn't even remember putting it there. And even more amazing, I didn't even reach out to Food Network -- they actually reached out to me. All within 6 months of that little craft session. Cut. Glue. Goal come true.

So It's official, I'm a believer and a contributing writer for Food Network. Goal boards work. Working with Lisa was seriously life changing.

Mehrdad Azim, Senior Producer at Stanford Graduate School of Business, Palo Alto, CA

Lisa is a teacher and pathfinder empowering a new generation of leaders and planting the seeds for a better world ....go ahead and give her program a try, one can never lose by learning and growing.  

As we travel the path of life it has been my experience that yes the destination and the awareness of the path are important......but what really counts is what we become during the journey. And mindfulness is a great tool to frame that perception ....there is great wisdom and power to simply observer without criticism .....and allowing compassion for all to grow within ones heart.  

Elizabeth Hart, Vice President, Cornish & Carey Commercial Newmark Knight Frank, San Francisco, CA
Lisa gives you the tools and support to dream bigger and realize your limitless potential. Her thoughtful content helps unlock what has been holding you back and what you need to confidently move forward. While coaching can be challenging at times as you dive into your beliefs and fears, there is also a lot of laughter and fun around realizing how powerful these tools are and how quickly you can manifest situations in your life. More than anything, Lisa has created an environment that fosters a loving and encouraging dynamic that helps celebrate all that is wonderful and special in each individual. I’d highly recommend working with her.

Kate Botler, Senior Manager of People at Lyft, San Francisco, CA
Working with Lisa offered an exercise that fostered unimaginable personal growth; it was truly a life-changing experience. She provides a safe haven to explore what was missing in your life and by sharing my fears and self-imposed limitations, I learned how to accept them, combat them and ultimately benefit from them. While working with her, I accepted a dream job (and negotiated well :)), I found a meaningful romance and I realized my goal of traveling alone to learn how to surf. It's hard to believe that this is only the beginning but I now know that happiness, satisfaction and ease are boundless.

Maya Katherine, Film-Maker, San Francisco, CA
Lisa is a master in her field...Thank you Lisa for your immense kindness and dedication to bringing this important work to the world.

Maura Jeffery, Airbnb Inc, San Francisco, CA
Lisa helped me realized that no dream is unattainable as long as I take responsibility for my actions and make a commitment to myself. I might not be 100% sure of what my true dreams are but I have a better picture of where I want to get to and how I want to get there and this program was a big part (and still is) of the discovery process. 

Lauren Noël, Director Talent Management Initiatives, ICEDR, Boston, MA
I found the Lisa’s workshop to be life changing. In our “go, go, go” and “busy” culture, I found it highly useful to take the time to reflect. The session taught me to be more mindful of my reactions to challenging situations. Lisa's productivity strategies are very helpful – I am now able to achieve more in a shorter period of time.  After only a 75 minute workshop, I walked away with a refreshed mindset and strategies that I could apply to my work and personal life right away.

Marketing Manager at One Kings Lane, San Francisco, CA
After learning about taking responsibility for setting boundaries and making a commitment to setting more realistic deadlines, things have gotten easier to balance at work and I've held my ground more. It's happening in baby steps, but I have started to set more realistic timing and push back when I need to -- and you're right, no one really notices or cares as much as I thought they would. Amazing how much I've let my own perceptions dictate what I think others are expecting of me as well.

Lizabeth Pollack, Esq., San Francisco, CA
Lisa provides an invaluable roadmap for realizing your full potential and shedding preexisting and self-imposed obstacles to achieving your goals. In a nurturing and empowering environment, Lisa provides the tools to recognizing patterns of behavior that prevent us from being the fully-realized individuals that we long to be. Her program was truly transformative. By working through the steps that the process entails, I am now more confident, assured and excited about what the future holds than I have ever felt before. I realized through my journey that the tools I need to achieve my goals already exist within me, and that the best thing you can do to cultivate those goals is to take accountability and recognize changes that YOU can make in your thinking and behavior to confidently move in the direction of the life you dream of. 

Kim Nicol, Applied Mindfulness & Meditation, San Francisco, CA
I'm navigating a major transition in my life, and even though I teach mindfulness, meditation, and yoga, I learned so much from Lisa and had so much fun along the way!  Having Lisa's guidance made all the difference for me.  I tend to take on too much by myself, and struggle to ask for help when I need it.  This program was just what I needed to help me move forward.